

The recent special session that had tax payers footing the bill, was an unprecedented grab at transparency laws in Arkansas. The Republican Supermajority in this state worked to protect their leaders engaged in wrong doing rather than the interests of Arkansans. 

Additionally, about half of Arkansas Republicans currently run unopposed in general elections. With no one to oppose them, they automatically get the job, no matter how they act or vote. When voters don't have a choice, they don't feel a need to show up and vote. When politicians are opposed, it improves their job performance.


Pet overpopulation

Pet overpopulation is burdening local governments. Instead of offering funding or support, this last session, my opponent and his republican colleagues limited local governments' ability to make laws that impact this issue. City animal shelters and non-profits house animals for court cases, take in animals from large animal cruelty cases, abandoned animals and more with insufficient resources and no answers from government. Local governments need MORE resources to deal with this issue, not FEWER.



Cryptomining on a large commercial scale is resource intensive. Any local community housing such an operation should be benefitting from these operations since their resources are being drained. Instead, foreign actors lobbied our state legislature to protect their interests, over the interests of the local community. Republicans passed it, and Sarah Sanders signed it into law. Usurping local control once again.


The Natural State

Our people and our natural resources draw millions of visitors to Arkansas each year. Many Arkansans make their living off the land. But little is being done to protect those resources. And it seems with our new governor and her opportunistic husband, a lot of foreign interests have flooded the state to take advantage and take all the monetary benefits for themselves leaving Arkansans with fewer resources and no benefits at all.

One thing is clear on a nice fall drive- we need better enforcement and stiffer penalties for littering and dumping.


Healthcare in Arkansas is facing significant challenges. One of the most pressing issues is the fact that under Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ administration, hundreds of thousands of eligible people were dropped from their health insurance. This has had a profound impact on the state's healthcare system and the well-being of its residents. Furthermore, the financial health of rural hospitals in Arkansas is in a dire state. According to a report by Axios, 71% of rural hospitals in Arkansas are operating in the red. This financial instability threatens the accessibility of healthcare for rural residents, many of whom rely on these hospitals for emergency and other forms of care.

The state also grapples with high rates of infant and maternal mortality. In 2024, Arkansas had the second-highest infant mortality rate in the nation, with 8.59 deaths per 1,000 live births. The maternal mortality rate is alarmingly high as well, with approximately 44 deaths per 100,000 live births. These statistics underscore the urgent need for reform in Arkansas's healthcare system. A progressive solution could involve expanding access to affordable healthcare, investing in rural hospitals, and implementing policies aimed at reducing infant and maternal mortality rates. This could include initiatives like comprehensive prenatal care programs, increased funding for rural healthcare services, and policies that ensure healthcare coverage for all residents. By addressing these issues head-on, Arkansas can work towards a healthier future for all its residents. Cortney supports the Arkansas Abortion Amendment.

Public Libraries

Public libraries are vital hubs for education, information, and connection. From early literacy programs to job search assistance, public libraries empower individuals of all ages and backgrounds. They provide access to knowledge, foster creativity, and promote lifelong learning.

At the core of their mission lies a commitment to free speech. Public libraries stand as bastions of intellectual freedom, offering a sanctuary where diverse voices can be heard. In an era of misinformation and polarization, these institutions remain steadfast in their dedication to open dialogue, critical thinking, and democratic values.

As your representative, I pledge unwavering support for our Garland County Library and all public libraries. Let us safeguard these invaluable resources, ensuring that every citizen has the opportunity to explore, learn, and exercise their right to free expression.