Cortney for the Natural State



Hi. I'm Cortney Warwick McKee and I am running for state representative in district 85. I'm a lifelong rural Arkansan who graduated from public school in the Arkansas Delta. I've lived in Garland County for ten years with my husband and daughter. Drawn by its beauty, we now live in Royal.

I'm running because I believe in investing in our future and in holding our elected officials accountable. I believe in access to healthcare and that banning books is wrong. To help me win this election, click "Donate."


Public Education

LEARNS was unconstitutionally implemented and unconstitutionally defunds our public schools. As a parent to a student in an Arkansas public school, Cortney stands with public educators and students. 


Arkansas is the Natural State but we're doing far less than other states, even though our natural resources draw millions of travelers each year. We have to get serious about protecting our namesake assets.

Renter's Rights

Arkansas is the worst state to live in if you rent. Habitability standards are absent and are being blocked by state representatives representing their OWN interests on our state legislature. Cortney's opponent is one of those representatives.


 Paid for by Friends of Cortney McKee

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